Articles / 2022 / Gaming with my boys
Gaming with my boys 23 Dec 2022

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a parent is when you can enjoy your hobbies with your kids. If you’re lucky they’ll grow to embrace these activities in such a way that you’ll then be able to enjoy that shared passion together.

I remember when my eldest son first started playing Minecraft on our original iPad. It was lovely to watch him slowly get to grips with the controls whilst his understanding of the virtual world grew. It wasn’t long before I realised that I could use my phone to join his game.

When my “Steve” first appeared in his Minecraft world he was quite startled! Up until that point he’d only encountered the usual mobs in the game, so the sudden appearance of something quite different was quite the shock.

Since then I’ve had a second and they’ve both grown up with games as a daily part of their lives. Roblox being a big part of that, with the massive variety of games that can be explored and easily played with other people.

My eldest and I currently enjoy playing Phasmopobia together, with me on my Steamdeck whilst he uses his gaming laptop. Like many things in life, games are often better when enjoyed in the company of others. Having someone who lives in the same house as you is a wonderful privilege when it comes to gaming together.

I’m looking forward to enjoying a lifetime of gaming with my boys and I hope when they look back at their childhood, recalling these moments will bring back warmly remembered memories.


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