Articles / 2022 / MIDI on floppies
MIDI on floppies 14 Oct 2022

Imagine if music came on floppy disks?

Well it can and does (or at least did). You could easily wave WAV files to a floppy disk or better yet MP3s. However what I’m really talking about here are MIDI files.

I picked up a Roland SC-55 and a Yamaha MU80 a while back which are both fantastic for playing mid-90s DOS games with a best in class soundtrack experience.



When I visited the RMC museum I came across a Casio FD-I unit paired with a Roland SC-55 that made it possible to easily playback MIDI files with the device. Genius!



After a few patient months on eBay I was finally rewarded with a MIDI playback device to call my own.

What next? Well, why not load up some new old stock floppy disks with some classic MIDI DOS gaming tunes and finish the look with some custom printed labels.



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