Articles / 2022 / N64 enhancements
N64 enhancements 16 Dec 2022

I mentioned in a previous post about the RAD2X that I was unable to test it with my N64 due to a suspected PSU failure. Thankfully this was the cause and after plugging in the fresh PSU block I was rewarded with a bright red LED indicator.

I’d been waiting for the RAD2X cable to show how a recent N64RGB mod had improved video quality. The trouble is because I’d not taken my own videos and screenshots of before and after, I’ve no direct comparison. However Neil at RMC has already done the same and done a great job of showcasing the differences using the exact same board that I’ve gone with.



This board does give the ability to enable deblurring by pressing a specific combination of controller buttons, which does make a notable difference.

For my own personal tastes I very much enjoy using original console or computer hardware, as I believe that’s the solid foundation of the whole experience. For the N64 I’ve been happy to buy a Retrofighters controller, as I find it more enjoyable to play with than the original.



Other than the controller and the improved AV output, everything is stock and I’m still using original cartridges. Now let’s fire up Goldeneye and see how everything holds up during a local multiplayer session!


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