Articles / 2023 / GameMinder
GameMinder 6 Jan 2023

GameMinder is DOS gaming shell designed for making it easier to find and launch games on retro machines.

It’s something I decided to start working on in the summer time (2022) to scratch a few itches.

Firstly I found that when I took my trusty Liberetto away on summer holiday to play DOS games I found navigating via the DOS prompt a bit of a pain. I couldn’t always remember what each of the games was from the 8 character directory name.

Secondly I’d always wanted to program something myself that ran in DOS. Growing up with computers as a kid I loved using them, but at the time felt that programming that was a task which was beyond me.

So after a little research I setup a Turbo Pascal programming environment via DOSBox and got to work. After a few weeks of on and off effort I was proud to make the first public release of GameMinder public over on Vogons.

You’re very welcome to download it for yourself, but please do read the getting start guide first to avoid confusion.



It’s got some bugs and rough edges, but for me it’s good enough for day to day usage.

Life has got a little too hectic for me to have the headspace and time required to work on it again at the moment. However I certainly do plan to come back to it and continue to polish - along with release the source code.

Please do have a play and let me know your thoughts


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