Articles / 2023 / Gravis GamePad
Gravis GamePad 14 Apr 2023

The Gravis PC Gamepad

From an era when PCs were eager to step forward and declare proudly that yes they to could play games like consoles.

My of my childhood friends has this exact gamepad for his 386 computer. I don’t remember using it much, but the iconic design stuck in my memory.

For some reason I recently starting thinking about this device and decided it was time to add on to my collection.

I was lucky to discover one on eBay for a good price, but sadly didn’t include the little screw in joystick. Not really that much of an issue as I can’t imagine I’d ever use such a thing!

But what game to play with it?



Jazz Jackrabbit of course, it’s fast platform gameplay is ideal for controlling via the responsive buttons on the pad.

Plus the game actually features little Gravis Gamepads you can collect for points!

Thanks Epic


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