Articles / 2023 / Retrobrighting my Silicon Graphics mechanical keyboard
Retrobrighting my Silicon Graphics mechanical keyboard 1 Sep 2023

I really love my Silicon Graphics mechanical PS/2 keyboard

That Silicon Graphics logo always brings back fond memories of Jurassic Park and other movies made use of these premium machines to create magic.

Unfortunately mine has decided that the O key is ready for retirement. So I’ve decided to give the old girl a strip down, clean and refurb



First order of business is to carefully pull off all the keys



Extra attention to remember which ones have some added support



It looks pretty odd now, but also quite grubby. Let’s go deeper



Alright, I think we’re ready to give the plastic parts a really good clean



Judging by the tint of the water afterwards I think we’ve stripped back a few years of memories from them.

Finally it’s out with the old Hydrogen Peroxide to try a retrobrite session



We shall see what happens…


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