Articles / 2024 / PSP screen upgrade
PSP screen upgrade 30 Aug 2024

The PSP was a much needed competitor to the Nintendo DS.

Ever since the original Game Boy it felt like all of their competitors could barely make a dent. I really loved my Gamegear, but will happily admit that the Game Boy was the much better portable console whilst also hosting some fantastic games that are still very much worth playing today.

When the PSP was first announced it looked so sleek and powerful. I don't think it helped that the original DS wasn't the most elegant looking device, sharing more in common visually with a personal organiser. 

However as large and vibrant as that screen looked at the time, after 20 years technology has definitely improved. So I decided to give my PSP the benefit of such developments.

It turns out that replacing the screen on a PSP is pretty straight forwards.

I followed a YouTube guide that took me through the process.

It really comes down to taking out the screws on the case, opening it up and after disconnecting a series of ribbon cables allowing the screen to come out.

After first connecting the ribbon cables into the replacement screen I fired up the PSP to check it was working. Unfortunately nothing appeared on the screen until I managed to work the ribbon cables a little further into their connectors.

First impression, it works and certainly looks brighter and more vibrant

However the top of the screen is clipped off, which is less than ideal. My first thought was that this might be caused by the ribbon cable not being connected correctly, however I think it may just be a flaw with the screen.

After looking at some the five star reviews it received I can see others have the same issue. However for the price I'm happy to consider if a cheap practise run to gain knowledge performing such an operation on my PSP.

So how does it compare? Well, judge for yourself...



I think I'll source a higher quality replacement screen and perform this operation again, as I know that clipped screen is just going to bug me otherwise.

Overall though I'm glad I did the work, as it gave the confidence to do this again whilst also showing me first hand what an improvement such an upgrade can make to the aging device.



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