Articles / 2024 / Amiga gaming on a CRT
Amiga gaming on a CRT 19 Jan 2024

I've certainly posted about it several times before, but I can't help but resist this nostalgic subject. 

When using a retro computer it just feels more authentic to use a CRT. Whether that's a computer monitor or a TV, it's the same electron gun given visual glow that LCDs can't match. 

With my PiStorm'ed Amiga 500 the CaffeineOS default to using the Raspberry Pi's HDMI output in conjunction with the standard Amiga out for games.

I can see the logic to this, as you can run at much higher resolutions with the HDMI output. But I like everything to run from the CRT, even if it does result in things looking a little squished

Once CaffeineOS has been successfully tweaked to only use the CRT, then it's gaming time!


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